Friday, September 30, 2011

Variety is the Spice of Life

Okay, so I've been AWOL...   This is what I've been up to.  Nothing like risking your life to give yourself a new perspective.  A friend and I actually made it to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite.  I was beyond scared and beyond tired!!  Now that it's over, I am so proud of myself for this little achievement.

If we go back in October, it will be to experience
the Fall foliage.  These images are from

I am always posting about "electric light" so it is fun to change
things up a bit and talk about the quality of light out in mother
nature.  While on our trip we were on the lookout
for "Alpine Glow."  That is when the sun first rises and lights up
the mountain tops--very beautiful.  At the end of this 16 mile hike,
we found ourselves in the dark.  Thank goodness we had our
little LED head lamps.  I was just sure a bear was going to find us.

The funny thing was that I had been talking about needing a "Bear Bell"
for months, ever since our trip to Yellowstone.  Before we could even
get onto the trail to Half Dome, I looked down and on the ground was
the perfect bear bell.  Did someone lose it or was it mana from heaven
as I joked with my friend.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Aren't these colors amazing together?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Rustic Kitchens and Fun Lighting

I found these pictures on Pinterest via Segreto Finishes.  They all
have interesting finishes and wonderful light fixtures.

The first kitchen is a great example of "Layered Lighting."
1.  Windows above the cabinet allows natural light      
2.  They used under counter light for task lighting         
3.  They used matching lanterns over the island            
and even though you can't see it in the picture...
4.  There is probably recessed lighting as well        
All these layers of light are probably on separate switches
 with dimmers.  Now you can even get an app for your
i phone, so you can control your lighting remotely.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A French Law Office

Okay, so I'm trying to find an inspiration image
for a law office I'm working on.  The head
lawyer is a woman and she asked if we could
used Tiffany's signature color.

Can you see any of these images working in
a law firm?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Muted Colors and Dramatic Light Fixtures

These images are from Pinterest via

I loved the muted colors and the incredible light fixtures.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gelato and Lighting??

The amazing colors of Gelato could be the inspiration for a
great design project.  I found these images of a Gelato store
and fell in love with the concept and the results.  It is suppose
to be Gelato by the seashore.

The pink light fixtures are some samples of lighting that
I might use if I were designing a Gelato or Ice Cream Store.

My shero Alexandra Stoddard was all about finding the
simple pleasures in life.  She even talked about tasting color.
When you eat an amazing piece of fruit do think about the
color you are tasting?